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香港土生土長藝術家,1990至2015年於酒店集團擔任美術設計總監,1986年畢業於大一設計學院並於2017年完成香港藝術學院「藝術專業文憑」,擁有多年商業美術設計經驗 ; 除此之外,亦醉中於在藝術創作裏混合不同材料表達個人觀感和感受,近年作品多以混合媒介作表達及關注地球生態,動物權益,升級再造及環保等議題。


Henry Lee - a Hong Kong born artist.  He was an Art Director of a hotel group from 1990 to 2015.  He graduated from the First Institute of Art and Design in 1986 and completed the Professional Diploma in Fine Art program at Hong Kong Art School in 2017.  He has more than 30 years of commercial graphic design experience.  Apart from that, he is passionate on mix and match different kinds of materials for art creation to express his viewpoint and feelings. In recent years, many works have been expressed in mixed media and focused on topics such as earth ecology, animal rights, upgrading and environmental protection.

2017  Professional Diploma in Fine Art, Hong Kong Art School
1986  Diploma in Commercial Design, First Institute of Art and Design, HK

2020 Flash Art Exhibition - Tai Tam Country Park (Quarry Bay Extension) - Hong Kong
2019 Breath In Breath Out II 自圓其說 Group Exhibition - KC100 Art Space - Hong Kong
2019 Group Art Exhibition - Green Hub - Hong Kong
2019 Mother's Home Craft and Art Exhibition - SOCO - Hong Kong 
2019 SOS 999 衙門 • 差館 Social Art Exhibition - H6 CONET - Hong Kong
2018 Breath In Breath Out Group Exhibition - KC100 Art Space - Hong Kong
2018 FIVE Visual Art Exhibition - Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Cultural Centre - Hong Kong
2018 Hong Kong Creative Art Association Annual Exhibition 2018 - JCCAC - Hong Kong
2017 Tie • Journey - UOB Art Space uniquely @ REGAL - Regal Airport Hotel - Hong Kong 
2017 Once in a Blue Moon - 14 Group Show - JCCAC - Hong Kong
2017 Dialogue-13 Group Show - Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre - Hong Kong  
2016 Asia Contemporary Art Show Hong Kong 2016 (Spring Edition) - Conrad Hong Kong - Hong Kong
2016 Singapore Contemporary Art Show 2016 - Faith Art Gallery - Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre
2015 Visage • Exhibition - Faith Art Gallery - Hong Kong
2015 Asia Contemporary Art Show Hong Kong 2015 - Conrad Hong Kong 
2015 Hong Kong Creative Art Association Annual Exhibition 2015 - JCCAC - Hong Kong
2014 Hong Kong Creative Art Association Annual Exhibition 2014 - JCCAC - Hong Kong

2013 Hong Kong Creative Art Association Annual Exhibition 2013 - C.C. Wu Building - A-Link - Hong Kong
2012 Hong Kong Drawing Association Annual Exhibition 2012 - Hong Kong Cultural Centre - Hong Kong
2011 Hong Kong Creative Art Association Annual Exhibition  2011 to 2012 - Hong Kong Cultural Centre - Hong Kong
2009 Solo Exhibition at Waterfront Bar & Terrace (Harbour Grand Kowloon) - Hong Kong

P+AW Henry Lee: Bio


P+AW Henry Lee: Gallery
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