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I have loved painting since I was a child, especially landscape painting. It helps me build my self-confidence and find happiness. The scenery in these paintings are depicted using bold colours and delicate brush strokes, creating visual and mood changes. As a student, painting has been a safe space for me to de-stress from academic pressure. I also hope that my friends who love art can be just like me, using it as a getaway from tedious work and study, finding an oasis in their own hearts. Landscape painting is like capturing a glimpse of nature, away from the hustle and bustle, which can make people happy.

Whether it is the snow on Mount Fuji, the blue sky, white clouds, and green trees on the vast grassland, these are the embodiment of beauty. I hope that, through the magnificence of these landscape paintings, my audience will experience aesthetic enjoyment, as well as a tranquil and glorious spirit. Please allow yourself to be immersed in my work, to cleanse yourself of the noise and agitation in the depths of your soul.


畫中的風景,透過大膽地採用絢麗多彩的顏色搭配,再利用細腻的筆觸,把它們描繪出來,藉此營造視覺和心境上的變化 。身為莘莘學子的我,從畫作中為自身找尋出一個抒發學業壓力的缺口。我亦希望同樣愛好藝術的朋友們能和我一樣,可從繁瑣的工作和學習中抽身出來,在我的畫中找尋到自己心靈上的綠洲。風景畫是大自然的縮影,看後可使人心情愉快,遠離繁囂。


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P+AW Chloe Fok: Bio


P+AW Chloe Fok: Gallery
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