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​申請入會/Application for membership​​


  1. 職業或業餘畫家、設計師、插圖師、漫畫家、正修讀美術設計學生及任何對視覺藝術(包括繪畫、設計、電腦圖像等)有濃厚興趣的人仕。

  2. 申請人必須年滿18歲。


  1. 請填妥以下表格。

  2. 申請人須提交近照一張。此外需提供5張或以上作品以供評選。作品必須為平面,或立體作品之照片,請電郵致,檔案格式為.jpg,每幅作品不得大於1MB,總大少不得多於10MB。

  3. 不少於30字之個人簡介,包括相關學歷、藝術資歷、曾得獎項及展出紀錄(如有)

  4. 評選工作由會長、副會長及幹事負責處理,並於三個工作天之內完成,如接納入會申請後我們會以電郵通知閣下繳交會費的方法。

  5. 一旦成功申請,需要繳交入會手續費用港幣250元正及每年年費港幣200元正,即共港幣450元正,其後每年續會港幣200元正。


  1. 本會所有事項,包括入會、續會及退會等,最終決定權由本會決定。

  2. 所有已繳交之會費,均一律不獲退還。

  3. 重新入會之會員或逾期繳年費之會員,亦需要補交入會手續費用港幣250元正。

  4. 各會員之會費將納入本會基金,以作網站寄存、域名登記、宣傳、活動特別開支及日常管理運作等用途。

加入我們/Join us: Text

Membership eligibility:

  1. Professional or amateur painters, designers, illustrators, cartoonists, art design students, and anyone who has a strong interest in visual arts (including painting, design, computer graphics, etc.).

  2. Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

Membership methods and procedures:

  1. Please complete the following form.

  2. Applicants must submit a recent photo. In addition, 5 or more works must be provided for selection. The work must be a photo of flat or three-dimensional work.  Please send it to The file format is "jpg".  The file size of each artwork should not be larger than 1MB, and the total size should not be less than 10MB.

  3. A personal profile of at least 30 words, including relevant academic qualifications, art qualifications, awards, and exhibition records (if any).

  4. The selection will be handled by the president, vice-president, and secretary, and will be completed within three working days. If you accept the application for membership, we will notify you by email of the method of paying the membership fee.

  5. Once the application is successful, a membership fee of HK$250 and an annual fee of HK$200 are required to be paid, which is a total of HK$450. Thereafter, HK$200 will be renewed every year.


  1. The final decision of all matters of the Association, including admission, renewal, and withdrawal, is determined by the Association.

  2. All membership fees paid will not be refunded.

  3. Members who re-enter the membership or those who have overdue the annual fee are also required to pay the membership registration fee of HK$250.

  4. The membership fees will be included in the fund of the Association for website hosting, domain name registration, publicity, special event expenses, and daily management operations.

加入我們/Join us: Text

會員權利/Member rights


  • 寫生

  • 本地舉辦之藝術展覽

  • 出國參加藝術交流活動

  • 社會服務活動,宣揚藝術等

HKCAA member can participate in event which is organized by the association such as:

  • Sketching

  • Art exchange

  • Participate in local art exhibition

  • Participate in international artistic events

  • Social service activities, art promotion, etc.

加入我們/Join us: 文字



加入我們/Join us: Job Application
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